Religious and Moral Education BECE 2005 Objectives
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God commanded the earth to produce plants on the
In the creation story, God ordered Adam to
The three main religions in Ghana believe in
The Asafo companies are concerned with the promotion of all the following except
The Damba festival is celebrated to mark the
For a man to greet an Akan chief he must raise hands and bow down raise hands and pass by remove sandals and kneel down remove sandals and lower the cloth
Muslims throw stones during Hajj to
Prophet Muhammad's marriage with Khadijah enabled him to
The traditions of the Prophet Muhammad which form part of the Quran are the
Which of the following attributes of God is not manifested in the creation story?
According to the Qur'an, a proud person
The chief who offered himself to be sacrificed during the Ashanti-Denkyira war was
The Bible teaches that people in authority must be
The Janazah prayer is performed during Friday worship when a Muslim dies when a Muslim is traveling after the Ramadan fast
The Young People's Guild is an organization in the
The purpose of Salat is to enable a Muslim
The traditional belief that the child needs no one to show him God means
Abraham was known for his great faith because he
The tribes of Israel derived their names from the sons of
The transition between childhood and adulthood is termed
When one refuses to play with bad friends on the advice of parents, one is described as being
Putting one's interest above that of others results in understanding debate togetherness conflict
One disadvantage of the nuclear family system is that
There is dignity in labour. This statement means
Which of the following is not a peaceful way to ask for your right?
In Ghana people are said to lead decent life when they
Repentance leads to
Which of the following is not an appropriate reward for good deeds?
When people are committed to themselves in friendship they
Duties given by a senior to a junior are termed as privileges rights responsibilities authority
The term idleness in Religious and Moral Education means
Sex education in school is important because it
Which of the following drugs is most commonly abused
In which way can money help spread germs?
A child is described as courteous when he or she
Waiting and allowing things to happen at the right time shows
When we regret for a bad deed, we are showing
The statement time is money, implies that time is precious limitless life everything
Which of the following is a festival of purification for the year?