Religious and Moral Education BECE 1999 Objectives
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According to Christian teaching, God created man and woman on the
Palm Sunday is observed by Christians to remember the
God gave Noah and his people the rainbow to remember
All the religions in Ghana believe in
The Muslim prayers observed between Asr and Isha is
The Islamic practice where wealthy Muslims cater for the needs of the poor and needy is
Prophet Muhammed's twelfth birthday is important because
Muslim's last respect to the dead is by
Festivals are celebrated every year in order to
The burial of pieces of hair, fingernails and toenails of a corpse at his hometown signifies that
Mourners from the cemetery wash their hands before entering funeral house again to
Bringing forth children shows that man is
Among the Asante farming is not done on Thursday because
Which of the following months is also a special occasion on the Islamic Calendar?
The act of going round the Ka'ba seven times during the Hajj teaches
It is believed that burying the dead with money helps him to
Blessed are the merciful for they shall
Eid-Ul-Fitr celebration teaches Muslims to
The rite of throwing stones at the pillars during the Hajj signifies the
The essence of the Muslim fast of Ramadan is to
The animal which is proverbially known to make good use of its time is the
People normally save money in order to
Which of the following practices may cause sickness?
The water and wine or gin given to the child during naming ceremony signifies
The saying "tasty soup draws people to itself" means that
Which of the following is not a cause of Teenage Pregnancy?
Youth camps are organized purposely for the youth to
It is a bad habit to use one's leisure time in
Hard work is most often crowned with
One of the child's responsibilities in the home is to
Which of the following is not the reason for contributing money in the church?
The traditional saying that "one finger cannot pick a stone" means
Kente weaving is popular among the
One of the rights of the child is the right
Which of the following is not taught in religious youth organization?
Cleanliness is next to
"Train the child the way he should go and when he grows he will ......................."
To show regret for a behaviour means
A courteous child ...............
The traditional healer does not normally charge high fees because