History of Konongo Odumase Senior High

Konongo Odumasi Secondary School now Senior High was officially opened on 23rd February, 1953 as the first second-cycle institution in Asante Akyem area with 21 boys and 5 girls. The twin communities, Konongo and Odumasi were beneficiaries of the 1951 Gold Coast Government plan towards the education in the country called: “Accelerated Development Plan for Education”.

When the idea of starting a secondary school for the people in Asante Akyem area started, the two towns – Konongo and Odumasi engaged in a fierce struggle to ensure that each had the advantage of hosting the school. The leaders later on found a sense in the saying that: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. The differences between the two-sister towns were therefore calmly settled to enable the temporary structure called “Biafra” used to start the school.

With the selfless efforts, dedication, and sacrifice the following citizens did everything possible to get the school started and get a permanent location through Konongo-Odumasi urban council. The heroes whose efforts are bearing fruits now for the whole nation were: Mr. Charles De Graft Dickson Member of Parliament for Asante Akyem, Mr. Ben Barden, Opanin D. E. Abedi Addai (once counselor at Juaben Traditional Council), Mr. F. R. A. Gyamfi (once Sumamuhene of Odumasi), Nana Kwabena Kyei (Gyaasehene of Odumasi), Nana Yaw Fosu (Krontehene of Odumasi), Nana Kofi Akoi II (Odumasehene), Nana Yaw Sarpong II Juabenhene.

It is necessary to remember the contribution of some individuals who donated or rented their houses to be used by the school as the dormitories. Opanin Kwadwo Duah House, now Odumasi Police Station was used for the residence of the First Headmaster of the school; Mr. B. Spio Garbrah. The house of Opanin Yaw Dwomo was rented for the girls while the boys used Opanin Kwaku Krah’s house.

When the government decided to make KOSS a full fledging secondary school the Ministry of Education relied on Mr. B. Spio Garbra and Mr. D. A. Agyei who later became the 6th Headmaster of the school while Nana Akoi II chose Maame Akosua Num, Nana Yaw Fosu, Opanin Kwabena Nketiah, Opanin Asomaning, Opanin D. E. Abedi Addai and others to represent Odumasi chiefs and elders.

Opanin D. E. Abedi Addai was made the caretaker of the Book Depot opened by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana at Odumasi. Some of the books were sold on credit to citizens of Konongo-Odumasi and their environs and it benefited them a lot. (Source, Nana Kofi Antwi I, Odumasehene).