Dzodze Penyi Senior High School is located in the Ketu North District of the Volta Region, Ghana. The school was established in 1963 as a college for teacher training. The high school has 44 permanent teachers, 35 non-teaching staff, one service person and one Peace-Corps volunteer. The motto of the School is 'Stoop to Conquer.' These words were taken from a comedy titled She Stoops to Conquer, which was written by Irish author Oliver Goldsmith.
To provide relevant education to all Ghanaians at all levels to enable them to acquire skills that will assist them to develop their potentials.
To be proactive to facilitate poverty reduction and to promote socioeconomic growth and national development.
To achieve excellence in the provision of high quality per-tertiary education to her students.
To enable them pursue further training in tertiary institutions. To be able to fit into the job market and earn a decent living.