Barekese Senior High History (BASEC)

History of Barekese Senior High

Barekese Senior High School was established in the year 2004. The school opened its doors to the first batch of students, numbering eighty-one (81), on the 11th of October, 2004.
The school’s establishement was the brian-child of the people of Barekese.The community offered a six classroom structure, which was the former primary school for the Barekese Local School, and other block of classroom to hoouse the administrative setup of the school. However, after so many years of toil and fruitless efforts, the Nwabiagya Rural Bank after several meetings with the Town’s Unit Committees.
Somewhere along the linse in the year 2004, the then Atwima District Assembly also joined the fray and offered to provide some financial support to help put up some important pysical structures in the school.
In short, Barekese Senior High School came into being on the 11th of October, 2004.

The school’s official name is BAREKESE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. It is populary known by the acronym BASEC.
Both current and past students are known as ABAMM)FO) which refers to as the protectors of the Ashanti Golden Stool who also exhibited bravely, excellent moral characteristics imbued with strong determination to achieve success and dignity through hard work and honesty. we are also the peace setters.
This is expressed in the school’s motto: Blazing the Trailmeaning-Breaking new ground/Forge ahead.
Our students are thus trained to strive towards Excellence by having faith in our God through ENDURANCE AND PERSEVERANCE thus enabling them to develop WILL to go the extra mile in the face of serious and rough odds of life.