Accra Senior High History (AHISCO)

History of Accra Senior High

Accra High School was founded by the late Rev. James Thomas Roberts on 17 August 1923. The school, was located at beach avenue in Aayalolo, a suburb of Accra, Ghana. The school celebrated its first anniversary in August 1924 with a church service at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Accra and the sermon was delivered by the Anglican Bishop of Accra, the late Dr. John Aglionby.

Thus, there was a tie between the school and the Church of England. In 1924, the school entered its first candidates for the college of preceptors as well as for the Cambridge University, the royal society of Arts and Pitman's Shorthand Examinations in the United Kingdom.

In 1926, most of the pupils sat and passed the junior Cambridge Examination. In that year, Mr. Frank Roberts, the eldest son of Rev. Roberts, joined the staff after graduating in Bachelor of Arts from the United Kingdom. He worked hard to enhance the Academic and Disciplinary standard of the school in Accra. In 1927, the late J.O. Ansah Johnson became the first student to pass the Cambridge School Certificate Examination.

In 1931, members of staff and students performed Shakespeare's Twelfth Night with tremendous success and this was followed in 1932 with further excellent performances. Before the founding of Accra High School, the only Secondary Grammar School in Accra, the Accra grammar school, had closed down. However Rev. Roberts had massive support of some men of the highest intellectual and moral calibre.